Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wasting Food

It has been quite awhile since I have posted on here and I have been thinking about blogging, cooking, and food.  Life gets so busy I forget what it is that makes me the most content and happy and that is cooking.  When I am cooking I lose thought of anything else that is going on and my mind goes into it's zone.
So anyways lately I have been thinking about wasting food.  I read an article on that talked about how much food the average american wastes.  You won't believe this but it is 40 lbs of food we throw away every month!  Yes per person, and yes 40 pounds!!!  I was stunned, shocked, confused, and annoyed.  We take so much for granted in this country.  We have access to fresh food every day.  We go out to eat.  We buy too many vegetables/fruit thinking we will use them and then throw them away.  Yet we are still the most obese country in the world!  As of the last few weeks I have started living by new standards when grocery shopping and eating:
1. To buy a few fruits and a few vegetables a week.  Honestly, I don't get tired of the same fruit or vegetable for one week.
2. Smell food.  Just because the date on the milk carton says sell by and it's already passed does not mean it is bad.  SMELL IT!  if it smells bad throw it out, but if it doesn't use it!  You can do this with pretty much anything except meat.  If it has been in the fridge for longer than three days and the color is changing smell it for an off smell.
3. Eat leftovers.  I get so tired of hearing people say they don't eat leftovers.  You are throwing away food you have already paid for and could possibly use for another meal.  This morning I used my leftover Red Robin french fries from last night to make a scramble with eggs, cheese and a little spinach.  Potatoes are great for dinner and breakfast.

So really it is that simple. Food does not have to go wasted.  It has really only taken me a week to get used to and small changes like this can add money to your pocket, time, and more healthy cooking at home.  Happy Spring!