Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why I love cooking

Cooking.  Some love it and others don't. I love it!  Starting at age 4, I grew up with a bandana on my head, standing on a chair, right next to my mom stirring the flour into the brownies.  Now 23 years later I still love to stand in my kitchen stirring ingredients to make something delicious.  I ask myself why?  When I put time and effort into anything it makes it more meaningful to me.  I pour my heart into what I cook and share it with others.  Cooking has allowed me to give and share with others, hear wonderful stories,  have good conversations, and so much more.   The very best reason of all is the community that is created when a meal has been made.  It allows for a break from the busy day to be together sharing stories, laughing, and eating together!  Why do you love to cook?